Why Choose Growise Multipurpose Compost
Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose Compost is based on high quality Irish moss peat mixed with all the essential plant nutrients to ensure healthy and vigorous plants at all stages of growth and under a variety of situations. A wetting agent is added to the compost to help easy and even wetting-up when watering.
Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose Compost is ideal for use with both indoor and outdoor plants. It is recommended for sowing seeds, rooting cuttings and filling pots, hanging baskets and tubs. Always use the compost straight from the bag and do not mix it with other materials before use.
Ideal for:
- Sowing Seeds and Cuttings
- Hanging Baskets and Containers
- Beds and Borders
Instructions for use
Sowing Seeds
Different seeds have different requirements, so always follow instructions on the packet. Fill a clean seed tray or pot with Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose Compost and firm it gently. Sow the seeds according to the instructions on the pack.Water the compost with a fine rose.
For specialist seed and cuttings use Bord Na Móna Growise John Innes Seed & Cutting Compost.
Pricking Out Seeds
When the seedlings have at least one pair of leaves move them to new trays or pots to allow more space to grow. Fill a clean container with Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose
Compost, firm gently. Make a series of holes the width of a pencil and about 2 inches (5 cm) apart. Lift each seedling gently by its leaves (not roots), place it carefully in one of the holes and firm the compost around it, making sure not to damage the stem.
When you have filled all the holes, water the compost thoroughly with a fine rose. Do not over water. Place the tray or pot in a light position but away from direct sunlight. For specialist seed and cuttings use Bord Na Móna Growise John Innes Seed & Cutting Compost.
Make a clean, angled cut below a leaf and then remove thelower leaves from the cutting. Dip the cut end in a rooting powder, following manufacturers instructions. Fill a pot with Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose Compost, make a hole in the compost and insert the cutting. Carefully firm the compost around the cutting with your fingertips.
Water gently, using a fine rose. Cover the cutting and pot with a clear plastic bag to retain moisture and keep out of direct sunlight. Only water when the compost feels dry or if the cutting starts to wilt. For specialist seed and cuttings use Bord Na Móna Growise John Innes Seed & Cutting Compost.
Potting On
Partly fill the new, larger pot with Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose Compost. Remove the plant from the old pot. Place the plant in the new pot, make sure the plant is at the same level as it was in the original pot and fill the pot with compost,firming lightly. Water thoroughly and leave for any excess water to drain.
Hanging Baskets and Containers
If necessary line the basket well with an appropriate liner. Half fill the basket with Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose Compost. After selecting the appropriate plant colour scheme, work through plant structure i.e. tall plants for centre, trailing plants at edges, as well as foliage and colourful plants to give the desired effect you want to create.
Fill the basket with plants, working the compost around the root systems one plant at a time. Water the basket thoroughly initially. Thereafter ensuring it does not dry out. For specialist container and hanging baskets use Bord Na Móna Growise Tub & Basket Compost.
Beds and Borders
For planting out flower, trees and shrubs, dig a hole that is a few inches wider than the root ball. Add a thick layer of Bord Na Móna Growise Multipurpose Compost
all round the hole. Place the plant in the hole, making sure that the plant is at the same level as it was in the pot i.e. don’t bury the stem.Fill the hole with a 50:50 mixture of compost and soil. Firm the mixture around the plant and then water it well.
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