Showing 61–72 of 80 results

Seeds Limnanthes Douglasii

It is a low-growing annual species, reaching only 15cm in height, and is relatively easy to grow, self-seeding readily in

Seeds Lobelia Crystal Palace

Lobelia ‘Crystal Palace’ makes a sparkling addition to beds, containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes, and even looks well placed in

Seeds Lobelia Pendula Cascade Mixed

Ranging from white to purple-red, this lovely annual lobelia is perfect for containers, where it will trail down the sides.

Seeds Marigold Dune Mixed

The flowers of this superb annual have a unique petal formation which prevents excessive water being held in the blooms,

Seeds Nasturtium Jewel Mixed

The plant is extremely vigorous and mounds up to 16 inches in height. Blooms come in a variety of colors

Seeds Nemesia Carnival Mixed

A robust and compact, bushy, half-hardy perennial. Has small lance-shaped, toothed dark green leaves and terminal racemes of scented two-lipped

Seeds Nicotiana Perfume Mixed F1

Masses of upward-facing flowers in a wide range of colours, from lime and red through pink, to lilac and white.

Seeds Nigella Persian Jewels Mixed

Easy to grow, beautiful annual flower in a mix of mauve, lavender, blue, purple and rose shades with decorative, feathery

Seeds Petunia Cascade Mixed F1

The first fully integrated petunia mixture. For hanging baskets, containers and walls. The Super Cascades are much freer flowering and

Seeds Phlox Drummondii Blushing Bride

Phlox drummondii ‘Blushing Bride’ is just one of the fabulous new annual varieties of phlox that feature fashionable new colourways

Seeds Rudbeckia Rustic Dwarfs Mixed

Rudbeckia ‘Rustic Dwarfs Mixed’ contains a beautiful mixture of yellow, bronze and mahogany rudbeckias, which stand up well to wet

Seeds Statice Art Shades Mixed

A kaleidoscope of delicate and dainty, papery flowers on unusual ‘winged’ stems. A favourite for long lasting dried bouquets, as